Verdens største backgammonrom

Play65™ – a Cozy Corner

By Andrew Polochkin
Play65™ possesses one of the best graphic interfaces, among the websites that offer Money Backgammon Online. From the players’ point of view, the backgammon program is easy to operate; and finding the necessary information is fast and simple. All in all, it is comfortable to get to the desired interest – playing backgammon.The main window of the program will be opened in front of you right after the connection to Play65™’s server is made. The game’s graphics has a pleasant color scale with predominance of green shades. Despite of the moderate size of the main window, it is possible to place all the necessary information for choosing the suitable partner for a backgammon game, and even designate a place for messages and advertisements. Following any important action on Play65™, after connection for instance, a message appears, updating you with interesting events and innovations regarding the program. It is possible to refuse receiving repeated messages, by marking the tag at the end of the message.

The basic part of the main window is occupied with the list of game tables that have just been created and tables, where serious battles already boil; it is possible to watch any played match. Over there you will find the information regarding the amount of money on your account, as well as the number reflecting your current rating. In the main window a very wise decision is applied – all players are directed to backgammon rooms according to the games stakes. At the creation of a table in Backgammon for Money mode, games are automatically sorted by stakes specified by players. In free mode it is possible to create a game table in any room that still has a vacant seat. No need to worry, you will always find such a room. Switching between Money and Free Online Backgammon modes at Play65™ is done by clicking the button, located at the lower-right corner of the main window.

After clicking on button ‘Sit and play’ or ‘Tournaments’, a list of backgammon tournaments is displayed, in which it is possible to enroll, admit and participate. In addition, you may view here information regarding the tournaments that had ended during the last day.

In order to activate or inactivate sound effects, as well as to adjust other properties of the program, click the ‘Parameters’ button. A window will be opened, where you may choose a type of a board, you feel comfortable with. It is very enjoyable that each board has characteristic sounds, very much Similar to the ones that are produced by playing dice and checkers at a backgammon game on an actual board. For example, at a choice of a leather board, sounds will be muffled. Do not forget to choose a suitable avatar from a collection of amusing characters, which will represent you in the game window.

It is visible by the detailed interface that a lot of thinking was invested in the creation of the game window. The board and checkers are shown in a three-dimensional (volumetric) graphics; therefore, it possesses such a great similarity to an actual board that at times it seems that it is a photo. At the left, there is a control panel adjustment, and bigger buttons for basic game actions performance, located on the right: Roll the Dice, Double the Rate, End a Move. After closing the game window and returning to the main window, use the button ‘ ‘Games History’, in order to have an opportunity to load any of your finished backgammon games and analyze them.

For detailed acquaintance with the information and management of money, click the button ‘Cashier’, located at the lower-left corner of the main window; your personal data will be opened in browser window. You can be assured that you are the only user, who has access to this information. The information is ciphered during transfer using secured protocol encryption.

The special communication report – In a browser window, except from receiving the information regarding your current balance (the money in the account) you can:

  • Make the first payment or fill up the account;
  • See results of all your backgammon on money matches, for a selected period of time; and how it was reflected on your account;
  • Receive information regarding all your monetary transactions (when, how many, from whom to whom etc.) for a selected period of time;
  • Familiarize with your bonuses history;
  • Read incoming messages;
  • Communicate with a support service.

For returning to homepage, click the tag with the lodge image; and upon completion of acquaintance with your personal data, click the ‘Output’ button or close the browser.

You can easily find your friends on backgammon online games and communicate with them after inserting them to your contacts list. This list is displayed after clicking the button ‘My contacts’; the players, currently connected are shown in green color, not connected – are the reds. In order to start a dialogue, choose one of the ‘green’ players on the list, and click the ‘Chat’ button. It is important to note that nobody can see your conversation (unlike a chat in a game); however, always pay attention, whether the connected player is playing or not. Many do not like to be distracted with conversations during a backgammon game. Imagine how awkward you will feel, if because of your nice conversation, your friend, who is in the end of a high prized tournament or game, will make a huge error and lose.

Most likely, you could have understood already in general that Play65™ provides many possibilities for backgammon players. If you wish to be sure, push the button Download Backgammon, and soon after you will find yourself at the cozy corner created especially for all fans of the backgammons online game, and for you.

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